Live Music for the Soul: A Staple For Well-Being
Since the dawn of euphoric times, music festivals have been synonymous with summer — a season filled with smiling faces and good vibes. Is it a coincidence they happen at the same time? Not really.
Live music has a similar effect on the brain as sunlight and hugging your favorite person: it triggers a dopamine release that tells your brain, “You’re about to feel so good.”
Along with that dopamine hit comes a generous release of oxytocin, complimented by a dip in cortisol that melts stress away like butter on hot toast. In short, music festivals and live music of all kinds add to the summertime’s ecstatic energy, leading us to wonder, damn, this could be really helpful during the winter months.
But hey, you already know that’s where we come in.
Music Festivals for your Well-Being
Sure, we can hit the slopes and guzzle back overpriced peppermint mochas to fill in the dopamine gaps, but there is a science behind one thing that chucks a real, sustainable wrench into the winter blues: having something significant to look forward to.
And that’s not just wishful thinking either. Research shows that anticipating positive experiences can help people manage the blues and boost overall well-being. And what better way to embody that sense of anticipation than a few days of grooving out?
Spoiler alert: There isn’t a better way.
A study from Deakin University in Australia found that people who attended live music events reported higher levels of life satisfaction. The researchers assessed self-reported levels of happiness and subjective well-being. The big takeaway? A strong sense of community at live music events was the key contributor to experiencing heightened well-being — go figure.
Research even goes as far to say that attending music festivals can mimic an analgesic, meaning that it can temporarily mend chronic pain by distracting our pain receptors with JOY.
So, enough with the backaches, the low moods, the frantic Googling of “how to fix my depression in a week,” and the endless longing to meet like-minded people that never goes beyond an Instagram DM.
Strap on your dancing shoes, grab a fur coat, and mark your calendar. Giving yourself something to look forward to begins now.
Affordable, Healthy, and Doable
These might not be the first words you associate with “Music Festival,” but they’re true for Fireside Festival.
For less than a month's worth of coffee, and about the cost of one night out, Fireside Festival makes fueling your well-being affordable — knowing we all deserve it.
Unlike any other festival in the Okanagan, or event for that matter, Fireside brings together all the bright-minded, creative, and loving folks you pass on Bernard Street and think, “Hmm, that looks like someone I could get along with” and gathers them into one cohesive community, because that’s exactly what it is: a festival of inclusivity and love.
So let’s shake things up. Improving your health during the winter months isn’t just about downing vitamin D supplements or trying out Pilates. It’s about stepping outside your comfort zone and engaging with real people, like yourself, who are taking part in something that brings them joy. Joy that endures long after the weekend ends.
By trading one of your outings for a cozy night in, or swapping a few Starbucks trips for an at-home brew, you can experience the joy and anticipation your well-being craves this winter season.
And sincerely, we’d love to have you.